5% discount for first registration (you will receive a voucher by email)


These General Conditions of Contract apply to the purchase of the products offered on this Website. For more information about us, please read the Legal Notice hosted at the foot of each of the pages of this Website.


Please read these General Conditions of Contract and our Privacy Policy carefully before carrying out the purchase process.



The owner of this Website is CERVEZAS MORITZ, S.A., (hereinafter, “Moritz”), a company filed with the Companies Register of Barcelona in Volume 45334, Folio 198, Page B-187561, Entry 29, with Tax ID A-61812897 and registered office at Ronda Sant Antoni, 39, 08011, Barcelona (Spain). If you wish to contact us, please use the following channels:


· By telephone: (+34) 902 365 900

· Contact form

· Email: info(@)moritz.com

· By post to above address


If your query is related to the purpose for which we use your personal data, or if you wish to withdraw from any of our services, please consult our Privacy Policy.


THIS IS A CONTRACT. The purchase of products through this Website constitutes a purchase-sale contract. Said contract shall be regulated by the Conditions of Use of this Website and specifically, by the General Conditions of Contract which are set out below.

If you decide not to accept these General Conditions of Contract please refrain from purchasing products through this Website.



Any third party who accesses, uses, browses or participates in the services and activities of this Website is considered a User. If you continue to browse, we shall take it that you voluntarily and unreservedly accept the Conditions of Use of this Website. If you decide not to accept these conditions, you should refrain from accessing and/or using the contents and services provided on this Website.


Acceptance of the Conditions of Use means that, as a User:

· You declare you are over the age of 18.

· You declare you have read, understood and comprehended the entire content of these Conditions.

· You declare that all the information you provide to us in making use of our services is truthful and accurate, with no limitations, reserves or falsehoods.

· To use certain services offered on this Website, you expressly accept the Conditions of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy in relation to the purpose for which your data are processed, after previously having been informed of the need to send us your personal data.


Use of and access to this Website is free, without prejudice to the cost of connection and transmission of data through the respective telecommunications network that provides you with access as a User.


As a User, you grant Moritz the right to authorise third parties to exercise the rights held by Moritz as a consequence of these Conditions of Use.


Conditions of purchase.

The purchase of a product entails acceptance of the following conditions:

· Persons under 18 are not permitted to purchase beer.

· The User must register on the Website to place the order and must give their name and surnames, a valid email address, a telephone number and a postal address for the purpose of shipping the products.


Purchase process.

During the purchase process the User must unreservedly and fully accept the General Conditions of Contract. To make a purchase, the User must proceed as follows:

· They must select the product they wish to purchase, indicating the number of units they want to buy.

· Given that access to this Website is reserved for persons of legal age, they must make the purchases and purchases made by under-age persons shall not be considered valid.

· After selecting the product they wish to purchase the User must provide the billing data and make payment.

· Once the payment process has been completed, Moritz shall send an email to the User with the details of the purchase. This email serves to confirm the purchase.


Prices and payment methods.

The product prices are expressed in euros and taxes are included. Payment may be made by credit/debit card through the Redsys bank payment gateway. All the bank data are processed directly by the respective bank, thus guaranteeing greater security and confidentiality in the transaction.


Exchanges and return policy.

The User may request the return of the purchased products in the following cases:


· If the products received do not correspond to those that were purchased.

· If the number of products received does not coincide with the number of purchased products.

· If the box containing the products is damaged in such a way that the content is affected or if the products received are faulty.


In the event of any of the above cases occurring and the User wanting to return the received product, they must notify this within 14 calendar days from the date on which the products were received, by:


· Email: info(@)moritz.com

· Telephone: (+34) 902 365 900

· Contact form


For Moritz to accept the return, the following requirements must be met:


· The product must be in the same condition as the one in which it was delivered, with its original packaging and labelling.

·The shipment shall be made using the same protective box as the one in which the product was received. In the event of not being able to return it in the box that was used to deliver it, the User must return it in a protective box to ensure that the product reaches Moritz with the      maximum guarantees.

· A copy of the delivery note must be included in the package indicating the returned products and the reason for returning them.

· In the case of purchasing beer, for reasons of health and hygiene, the User shall forfeit their right of withdrawal if the bottle, can or container in which the beer is supplied is opened. In other words, if the containers are opened, the product cannot be returned.

En el cas de compra de cervesa, per raons de protecció de la salut i d'higiene, vostè perd el dret de desistiment si obre l'ampolla, llauna o qualsevol altre recipient en què es vengui la cervesa, la qual cosa implica que si obre els envasos no pot retornar el producte.


In the case of returning faulty products, Moritz shall pay the shipping costs. However, in all other cases the User must pay the shipping costs.


If the User prefers to receive a credit note instead of reshipping the products, they should send a message to the email address provided above. The return order shall be processed by Moritz using the same method as the one with which the User made the payment no later than fifteen days after the receipt of the goods by Moritz.


Complaints and suggestions

If you have any doubts or queries in relation to the purchase process, please contact us through our Contact Form. You can also contact us at the telephone number and addresses indicated at the beginning of this document.


The User may submit their complaints and suggestions related to the purchase and receipt of the product by:

· Post, to the address indicated at the beginning of this document.

· Email to info(@)moritz.com


Once the User has informed Moritz of their wish to file a complaint or make a suggestion through one of the channels indicated above, Moritz shall tell them how to formalise the complaint or suggestion. All complaints and suggestions shall be responded to within one month.



Your commitment, the truthfulness of the data you provide to us.


The User responsible for making the purchase declares that the personal data they provide to Moritz while carrying out any formality on this Website are truthful.


You are informed that you are solely responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to Moritz as the party responsible for this Website or to any third parties due to entering false data in a form or to any third parties by not obtaining their prior consent, thereby causing deception, damage or harm.


To allow us to ensure your data are accurate and updated, we ask the User to inform us of any change in the data they have provided to us.


For information about how we process your personal data, please consult our Privacy Policy.


Applicable legislation and jurisdiction


Moritz’s head office is based in Spain and so these Conditions of Use have been drafted in accordance with Spanish law and the applicable regulations of the European Union. All disputes, claims or complaints arising from or related to the use of this Website shall be subject to Spanish law, without prejudice to the principles governing the settlement of legal disputes that may apply in each case.

The User accepts that claims or complaints against Moritz arising from or related to the operation or use of this Website shall be settled by the court of the competent jurisdiction located in Barcelona.

If Moritz should have to file any claim, it shall do so through the competent court of the User’s domicile or in Barcelona in the case of bodies corporate or non-consumer professionals.

If you access this site from a location outside Spain, you shall be responsible for complying with all local and international laws that may apply.


Latest update.

General Conditions of Contract last updated on 26/01/2021.


We are more than 160 years.

And you, are you over 18?

You have to be over 18 years old to access the content of this page